The Future of Learning is Personalized!

And It is Here!!

How do we learn a new language?

We start by learning the alphabets of the language. Then we go to words. We always try to associate the sounds of the new language with the language we know of (mostly our Mother tongue). This kind of learning is possible in Languages where Translation is available between any language and other.

Can we Learn Other Subjects similarly?

Now, Let’s say currently you are a Python Developer and you want to learn JavaScript, there isn’t any parallels that are readily available between any two programming languages. There could be few that compares specific concepts of Python Vs some concepts in JS. But it may not be cover every aspect of JavaScript. To be fair it is not humanly possible to create comparison of every programming language against every other.

A Chinese tale tells of some men sent to harm a young girl who, upon seeing her beauty, become her protectors rather than her violators. That's how I felt seeing the Earth for the first time. I could not help but love and cherish her.

How Personalized is LyncLearn?

So far, Personalization in Software has been changing colors and fonts. Learning hardly had any personalization. The best it has had is to Self-Paced Learning. With LyncLearn and Power of AI, we take Personalization to the next level. The Course content itself is Personalized for you. If you come with Front-end skill and want to learn say, Machine Learning, your course will be different from another Person who comes with SQL skills. It is how it should be.

" The Course content itself is Personalized for you. If you come with Front-end skill and want to learn say, Machine Learning, your course will be different from another Person who comes with SQL skills. That is how it should be. "

Machine Learning has many dimensions to it — Data extraction, Cleansing, Summarization, Model Creation, Data Vizualisation etc. Coming from Front-end development, the person could have some Data Viz skills. But a Backend person would be more well-versed with Data Extraction skills. So, the Course is Catered based on individual’s skills.

Each and Every Explanation is provided with a touch of your current skills. Analogies are a great way to understand any concept. LyncLearn uses lot of such analogies from your current skills to match it with your new skills.

Science Based Learning

There are various studies and books that have delved into ‘How we Learn?’ and ‘How to Learn faster?’. One of the main point proposed in many study is — We Learn faster by Creating Parallels with our current Knowledge. An American Psychologist called Robert M. Gagne developed a method of Learning called Cumulative Learning that involves building new knowledge on top of existing knowledge.

To go places and do things that have never been done before – that’s what living is all about.

When we are able to draw parallels with our current knowledge, the Cognitive Load to learn the new subject is greatly reduced. This enables faster and deeper learning. It is called Neural Reuse Theory — which says that our Neural connections are reused when we are able to draw parallels with our current knowledge with the new ones. It is very well discussed in this book by Barbara Oakley called Learn Like a Pro.

So, the Future is Here! Are You?

We are into a world where our devices are getting intelligent and personal. Not many years from now, you will be able to have a Personal Tutor that can teach you any subject. Not just generic teaching — the Tutor will understand where you stand in a particular topic and will be able to take you from that to the level of knowledge you desire to attain. We are gearing towards that. Let’s Buckle up and zoom into the Future.